Join Our Club

Consider joining our club if you would like to play pickleball regularly. As a club member you will enjoy many benefits that include a 25%-30% discount for each session booked after your membership is finalised. (sessions booked at non-member rate prior to joining our club will not qualify for a discount).

You will receive regular news and updates from us and you will also have the chance to enter club tournaments that cater to different level of play from beginners to advanced levels. It is a fun way to play with peers and to improve your game.

As our club is affliated with Pickleball Victoria, you will firstly need to sign up as a member of Pickleball Victoria and select “Pickleball Manningham Club” as your affiliated club. With your membership, you will receive a National Member ID number and benefits that include Public Liability insurance and Sports Personal Accident insurance for Australia wide affiliated clubs as well as sanctioned events in Victoria clubs. The annual fee is $95 while the senior (>65) and student rate is $82.50.

The sign-up link below will take you through the steps.

Ewe Jin, an active member of PMC tells us why he plays pickleball

“Pickleball is a low impact sport. It does not affect me much. I use my former skills in table tennis, badminton and tennis. It is good for me because it prepares me for aging. I can play through until I am 80, maybe more! I play at Picklball Manningham Club mainly because of the community. You feel safe, you feel welcomed, you feel like family”